APSI was recently awarded another construction project with the National Park Service – the Structural Flood Mitigation for Visitor and Employee Safety, at Cottonwood Cove in Lake Mead. This project consists of the construction of structural flash flood mitigation, and it is anticipated that these structural flood mitigation components require construction of new diversion dikes and new diversion channels within Ranger Wash, above the Cottonwood Cove developed area. The proposed diversion system will provide additional flood protection beyond that provided by the existing system of dikes and channels that are currently in place. This updated system will divert approximately 60% to 75% of flood waters away from the existing drainages that flow directly into the developed area to a cove north of Cottonwood Cove where it can discharge directly into Lake Mohave without affecting visitors, employees, or property. We are looking forward to continuing our relationship with NPS and working on yet another national park!